Monday, June 05, 2006

Taurus and Cancer in love!

Taurus With Cancer In Love
This is usually a real match made in heaven.
Taurus and Cancer are like soulmates who live their marriage in total happiness.
Cancer likes romance with overloads of affection, and this is ecactly what Taurus looks for in love.
Taurus is someone Cancer can depend on.
Cancer give Taurus the loyalty they need.
Truely a love made in heaven between these two signs.

Both of you are very domestic and need a strong, secure home base in order to be happy. The sharing of food, nurturing of children, and creating a home together would be very satisfying for the two of you. Cancer has deep attachments to family and to the familiar, which are hard to let go of. Taurus too, is resistant to changes in domestic or personal life, preferring to stay with what has already been established rather than seeking novelty.
Of the two of you, Cancer is the more emotional, sensitive, and moody, while Taurus is more steady, practical, and even-tempered.(hahah lies)
Taurus gives Cancer a reassuring sense of security and is like the Rock of Gibraltar for Cancer during times of emotional stress and turmoil. Cancer may wish, however, that Taurus was less impassive at times.
Both of you are very domestic and appreciate the simple joys of life. Others find the two of you to be very warm, friendly, and caring, and your soft and considerate attitude is greatly appreciated by your friends. If you have children, then you are very dedicated and involved parents. The two of you would enjoy living in a quiet, fairly secluded place away from hustle and bustle.(hmmm like a cabin in the woods)
Cancer is very emotional, very attached to family and familiar surroundings and easily upset by any form of cruelty; Taurus' practical, grounded approach to life and gentle manner is very much appreciated by Cancer.
Both of you, as individuals, posses a great deal of personal charm and appeal. You are able to attract love, opportunities, money, and whatever you need in your lives rather easily. In fact, unless other factors in your charts indicate a capacity for effort and discipline, you may sail through life doing whatever comes easiest and depending a great deal on your "pretty face" or pleasing, likeable manner to get by.
The two of you share a great sense of aesthetics and taste, an appreciation for beauty, the arts, and the pleasures of life. A flair for the art of love, too, is a gift you share.
Each of you also has quite a bit of artistic potential and you can encourage and inspire this in each other. A focus on developing and expressing your creativity - together as well as individually - is apt to be one of the most fulfilling aspects of your relationship.
(write for me baby)

Both of you are passionate and deeply loving, and you each need to have a partner who is capable of the same level of depth, intimacy, and union that you are. You are also both prone to irresistible attractions and rather intense eroticism. You share a strong sexual and romantic appetite.
Sexual and physical attraction is very strong and "hot". If your sexual relationship is not satisfactory, you begin arguing with each other; in this relationship, frustrated sexuality turns to anger. Assuming that there are no physical impediments, the potential for becoming pregnant is high, (i warned you) so it is essential to be scrupulous in the use of birth control methods if pregnancy is not desired.

You are drawn to one another because you instinctively understand each other. There are strong feelings of belonging, closeness, and acceptance between you. You blend and merge with one another very easily and a strong mutual interdependence is likely to develop very quickly. Taurus especially, feels affirmed and strengthened by Cancer support and "backing". Because of the deep affinity between you, you are more motivated and more able to overcome any problems or differences that arise in your relationship.

You feel open and uninhibited with each other, and can express your feelings spontaneously and without reserve. You enjoy joking and kidding around with each other. If both of you enjoy dancing or playing music, you make wonderful partners in dance and/or music.
Through your relationship with one another, and especially your intimate conversations, both of you will understand your past histories, your emotions, and your own inner lives much more clearly. Being in one another's presence evokes in both of you the desire to confide, to tell your stories, to speak about your private selves. You are able to talk for hours. There is often a sentimental or nostalgic tone in your discussions. Visiting old childhood haunts together, studying your family trees, looking at and discussing old photographs, describing your dreams to each other, talking about your children or your photographs, describing your dreams to each other, talking about your children or your mate or parents - this type of sharing will be a crucial aspect of your bond. Even if you are not the sort of person who discusses feelings or readily confides in others, you'll find that with this particular person, you can and will. You make good counselors for one another.

There is a great deal of mutual trustworthiness, reliability, and responsibility in this relationship that makes you both feel very secure with each other. You can count on each other, and you both take the relationship seriously. You willingly make sacrifices for each other, and a deep love between you develops over time. You will assist each other a great deal over the years. This is likely to be a deep, meaningful, lasting relationship.

Cancer wants to understand every nuance of Taurus' personality and will make Taurus feel like the most important thing in his/her life...and expects to receive the same back! (As you wish) Both of these people are very strong in the domestic impulses category and they will put much time and effort into their home and children.
Taurus will never have to worry about being taken for granted by the quiet, moody Cancer; being a dreamer he will place Taurus on a pedestal and always expect him/her to be perfect, but when the flaws show through he will retire into his shell, feeling let down. Taurus, not being the most tactful person around will clumsily try to coax Cancer out and wind up driving him even further into his/her shell.
Cancer needs and demands (in the pouting way) a lot of sympathy, and Taurus has the nurturing instincts for giving that will help them to get along better than one would expect. At times Cancers nerve will fail him/her but with lots of support and backing from Taurus, Cancer should be able to face life and even be successful in whatever endeavors he/she should try.
This relationship can and will improve with age and hard work, as these are such different personalities, and in many ways ones strength supports the others weakness. Cancers sex life is affected by the way they are getting along in the evening and if there is arguing or other unpleasantness Cancer will not make love to Taurus( LOL ugh...) and too much of this could build a wall between them. If the two are willing to give rather than get, this relationship can be a very good one.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading every Taurus and Cancer relationship thing on the first page of google. I've gotten to know a Taurus girl over the last few months and I'm already head over heels for her. I really do get the impression that stability is something she desires, and is something I can provide :) Just thinking about her makes my stomach feel all sorts of emotions.

Despite her current position in life, and all of its hardships, I can tell she's who I want to be with in life. I can't wait to tell her myself!! (well I'm nervous about it, but I doubt I'll meet rejection from her).

Also... super fertility?! Argh, I don't want children just yet haha!

Anonymous said...

I am a taurus girl and met this cancer man just a year ago. I experienced many magic or shall we call coincidence thats made me think that he is my soulmate. I never felt such intense connection with anybody else. But sadly though, we never ended up being together coz he's such a sissy in telling his feelings for me. all he did was subtle actions and it was so annoying. we are not seeing each other anymore and my feelings has changed. I do not feel the same thing again. maybe because i dont see him anymore, i do not know.

Anonymous said...

To the one above me.... how was he a "sissy" in expressing his feelings??

I just want to be honest.. said...

I think she was upset that he was not man enough to express his emotions to her.. To reword it :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah how hr was a Sissy????? Team Taurus baby :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe he prefered to show them instead of expressing is cheap..:-)..

Anonymous said...

I am a Taurus man, and madly in love with a cancer lady. Our emotions run so deep that love is a small insignificant word to describe my emotions. She pours her heart out every day to me and we fall deeper in love daily. Wow I never imagined I would ever feel something so profound

Anonymous said...

Te Amo Nenita. Tu, Nene

Anonymous said...

yo te amo ti gracias le doy al destino y Dios porque eres la bendicion mas hermosa en mi vida,contigo somos uno para toda la vida te amo mi nene bello

Anonymous said...

I am currently dating a Taurus man and I'm a cancer woman. Our connection is magical on so many levels. We totally get each other and I see a bright future ahead. I've known him for over two years and we've been dating for almost 3 months. I'm head over heels. Yay!

Anonymous said...

I definitely feel Cancer is Taurus best match they are the only sign that understands a Taurus and they are loyal just like Taurus and I'm a Taurus myself searching for a Cancer female to marry one day

Anonymous said...

i love my husband ( taurus ) so much ... and their is taurus man who's very persistent to me for years that im beginning to like, ..... temptation please stay away from me

Anonymous said...

I'm a Cancer Women. I dated a few Taurus men right before I met and married my Taurus husband.
The men I dated were great. But one too young and the other wasn't ready for a relationship.

My husband and I are both Scorpio rising and it was an instant extremely string connection.

My advise.... If it doesn't work out strongly or smoothly from the beginning..... Move on!

Anonymous said...

'Strong' not string

I just want to be honest.. said...

Wow, I am really not surprised by these testimonies.. It is great to hear though!!

totaltreat said...

One of the things I didn't see here was the fact that this pairing is a force to be reckoned with, when confronted with adversity!! My husband and I fought for custody of his only daughter and even our Attorney said, "Boy, I wouldn't want to go up against you two!" We were granted custody after the 3rd court appearance!
A week into meeting each other, he (Taurus) said to me (Cancer),"Where have you been all my life?" I felt the same!!! We're celebrating our 10th year Anniversary in April!!! We are definitely soul mates, he IS my rock in stormy waters, and in 10 years, it's never occurred to me that I could ever be with anyone else!! It IS a match made in Heaven!!! (Too bad I dated so many Sagittarius's before I found him, LOL!!!)

Anonymous said...

Taurus are dammm boring though he's loving n caring I'm bored of the relationship but i don't wanna leave him n i won't be able to do so its been 2 years since i know him n 1 year being in a relationship i want our relationship to be like before amazing n fun........
Not busy just planning the entire life together .... Btw me a Cancer with rising Scorpio bt Pisces moon do all these affect??

Anonymous said...

As a taurus girl,i had to wait for an inordinately long time for my cancerian to express his love.The wait frustrated me and so did his mind games.Why couldn't he be direct?
But in hindsight,despite my annoyance,he did drop subtle hints throughout that kept me hooked but also frustrated that the emotions i had invested in him might come to a nothing.
Now,we are married and parents to a cancer boy.
I'll make sure as a taurus mother,i make him strong despite his sensitivity.
There's love and contentment that fills my days.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Cancer woman and I'm in love with a Taurus man. Everything I can say about our relationship is wonderful, something like 'made in heaven'. His strengths can compensate for my weaknesses and vice versa. We're trying our best for the future. A happy family together is all our wish.

Unknown said...

I'm a cancer woman chatting via fb to a Taurus Man. I haven't met in person yet an only spoke a few times on the phone but our conversations are long an not boring. I do assume he judges me in the fact I'm some what an emotional but private mess Lol. He says when we chat on phone or text he hears a joyful person, I reply with because I'm chatting with you a positive thinker. He says I say everything he wants to hear as do I ;-) only catch is he's 6 hours away from me. ;-( we both know but are still anxious to meet in person soon. He's already asked me What if you an I click I'm not going to want you to leave Lol I said I will make my home anywhere as long as I'm happy an your happy ;-) again he's shocked by my answers Lol. An the kicker is I don't really have a type an this guy is HOT! 6'3" Elvis Presley twin (looks) rough around the edges but a huge heart! Just like me. Tough on the out but warm in the inside.
OK... My point is should I fly out to this stud first or should he?

Anonymous said...

taurus men are sometiming or should i say wishy washy n can be vry selfish.

Anonymous said...

Im a Cancer Male, and I am currently in a relationship with an aquarius (female) . its been on and off for the past 7 months , i honestly have a hard time trusting her due to cheating problems and lying.. i guess you can say we have been trying to work through them but I'm not sure if its gonna go anywhere (or if i want it too?) through out the past 6 months i met this Taurus girl at work and i think she is Amazing we understand each other with out having to say anything, im trying to keep my distance because if anything where to ever come of us i would want her to trust me and not have doubts or think i would treat her badly, im kind of in a cross roads and im not sure what to do? do i tell her how i feel? or do i just not say anything?

Anonymous said...

Im a taurus woman dating a cancer male and he is absolutely amazing...and I may be pregnant! Everything I read was right on point in what I read

Anonymous said...

So I'm a Taurus woman and I met a cancer man. On a social network to be exact. There was something about his pictures that made me feel like I could actually see myself talking with him. After spending hours upon hours on the phone we have connected on so many different levels that I have never with a man.. especially this fast! All we have been doing is researching taurus woman and cancer man and let me tell you, they describe us perfectly!! I hope it stays this way :) R.R ♡

Anonymous said...

I am a cancer female and a person who never looked to find a stable relationship, but it happen all a studden when I Met my boyfriend of almost two years now a Taurus. Were so different but are a like in many ways. I use to go around shutting people out scared of change. But I never been any happier , he showed me the good in life and made me want to change:)

Anonymous said...

It's not that I believe in this stuff, this is really is like our relationship. It's not are signs that brought us together, but love we have for each, giving one another a chance, every relationship has their UPS and downs. it takes time and effort to make something work. officially two years in April of this year, wouldn't exspect us to make it this far.

Anonymous said...

To the bro with doubts about this "peice of shit":

There are not many things that are certain in this world, period, but my guess is you're Christian, Catholic, etc.

Astrology is a deeply rooted, thoroughly studied, and widely accepted belief system, much like the holy trinity. To belittle this post as hogwash when so many are coming here solely for entertainment and the positive validation of their heart is just rude.
This is my relationship. I have been deeply in love with a Cancer man for nine months now and every point stated in this blog is correct. It was almost as if as soon as we met, we dug each other. There were so many cosmic coincidences that made me believe we were soul partners, too. Things like: had just moved to the city two months earlier but stayed in the house on my fathers street that I used to play in. Often, I assist him with finding things he didn't even know he was missing and vice versa. Its a perfect yin/yang scenario for us. I did not even know, as the stubborn bull, that I was capable of feeling these things or expressing them as openly and without hesitation as I do.

Whether we end tomorrow (which I don't see happening) or we last 50 years, this Cancer has made me a much, much better person.

Anonymous said...

I'm a taurean woman, in love with a cancer woman. It's been amazing and sometimes I still can't believe that we've found each other. There are obstacles and ups and downs, but everything is easier with her. Noone has ever understood and accepted me like her. And what's even more important is that we share the same goal in this relationship.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Taurus woman in a relationship with a cancer male I love my boyfriend he is my best friend we tell each other everything were actually soul mates we been together 8 months on the 27 I wouldn't trade him for nothing ��

MUA Byanca Morris said...

My Cancer husband and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary august 9. I would like to think 9 is our special number b/c our first born son was also born on the 9th of June and my husbands b day is July 9th.

well I truly feel like my husband is my everything next to my spiritual creator.I love for him to just be near me.We are pregnant with our 2nd child and I wouldn't change anything in our life if it met we wouldn't have what we have today.When I look into his eyes I feel like I knew this man from another life.We also got the roman numeral tattooed on our ring fingers.If we ever parted I wouldn't want to marry anyone else.

MUA Byanca Morris said...

My Cancer husband and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary august 9. I would like to think 9 is our special number b/c our first born son was also born on the 9th of June and my husbands b day is July 9th.

well I truly feel like my husband is my everything next to my spiritual creator.I love for him to just be near me.We are pregnant with our 2nd child and I wouldn't change anything in our life if it met we wouldn't have what we have today.When I look into his eyes I feel like I knew this man from another life.We also got the roman numeral tattooed on our ring fingers.If we ever parted I wouldn't want to marry anyone else.

Anonymous said...

I'm a taurus male and I got to say I love my cancer to death. She's like my better half. I'm her roc yet she keeps me grounded. We've been together for lil over a year and everyday gets better and better.

Unknown said...

This is soo true everything about it, im a cancer female dating a taurus man for over 5 months we live together and it feels like we've been together for years, we complete eachother we have our differences yes especially since im moody and his anger but our love can overcome anything our love is strong i thank god for this relationship this is really a match made in heaven, the Sex is amazing!! Feels like you in Paradise. We are just alike love the same things nothing makes us happier more than staying in cuddling watch movies & a nice homemade dinner. wish one day we get married i wouldnt trade him for nothing in this world . I Love You Henry ♥♡

Anonymous said...

I am n have been living with a Taurus man I am a cancer..unlike most of the crap I read on here..I can tell u most of this is bs. .through a text or computer their great..they don't express their love n person..they don't cuddle..their very set n their ways,thoughts, n lifestyles..they suck a cancer in..but when it's all said n done u end up..hurting,empty n feeling alone when their right there..I would never tell a cancer to get with a Taurus. .cancers need their feelings returned with words n actions. .Taurus don't do this...get away while u can..going on 2 yrs wishing I would of left n the fist 3 months..hey take it heart n it's hard to leave..when their great their amazing..when their bad it's awful..

Anonymous said...

I can definitely say that this is true. I am a cancer woman and the best relationship I ever had was with a Taurus. I'm actually moving towards a relationship with a Taurus now and I can honestly say that this rings true to the two of us. We're built to last! :)

Anonymous said...

Taurus men are pretty selfish, but only with things that they feel as if they've earned. I can honestly tell you that they aren't wishy washy though. Once they start something, it will not change until it's finished.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Taurus female and I've recently discovered a connection with my classmate ( cancer ). We went out once and he's absolutely amazing. The bad part about it was that we could no longer see each other because I am black. Just my luck Lol.

Anonymous said...

I really wonder how you ended up in this site hon! If you are not a believer I'll respect you, but please go express your frustrations and negative takes in life somewhere else! ! Perhaps CBT can help you find positivity! ! Take care.

Anonymous said...

Im A Taurus Female Deeply in Love With a Cancer Male We Really Bond Alot we have alot a simularites in unique Ways but its Great... Im Very Patient with his Mood Swings Can't Deny i Get Very Tempered Sometimes but its Just Little Things We Can Get Through, the point is that at the end of Day We're unseperable ! Lol And Did i Mention ima Mommy To be �� well yes We're soon Going to be parents first-timers but we're Ready.. I Love You So Much Roberto Pinon!!!!!!! ❤ THE BEST THING THATS EVER HAPPEND TO ME IS YOU!

antoinette said...

Wow. I have never in my life believed in this so called predictable sign stuff, but it is mostly true I have met a Cancer and wow it has been like electricity from the begining in every thing we do or say together. I am very pleased with him and believe he is my soul mate..yes there is an age difference but he is everything I need and want.

Unknown said...

Hi, I am a cancerian girl and deeply in love with a taurean guy...its was like I automatically fell in love with him and inspite of trying to refrain heart went against all my senses and if I found my soul bettr half...but he dsnt evn like me...nothing more than a friend and he already knows how I feel about him:(:(:(:(

Unknown said...

Somebody plz kills me a bit more evryday...

Anonymous said...

I'm a taurus female, dating a cancer male. I actually never thought we would be dating and now I can't really imagine myself apart from him. We spend everyday together and almost everything about this article is true. The fertility thing is true. I almost got pregnant this week. This article is like a how to manual for our relationship. How was all of this information even conceived? It's all 100% true, and it's freaking me out.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Cancer woman dating a Taurus man. We hit it off right from the first message he sent me, we're very different in some ways but it all feels so seamless. He makes me feel so safe and beautiful...and the sex is FAB! I tried really hard not to fall in love but here I am lol.

Anonymous said...

Im a cancer woman so deeply in love with taurus woman at first we txt there is something to her that i really cant explain even the topic is not very interesting i dnt miss a second not to txt her and vice versa finally we decided to see each other after 6mos. of txting and i really like her well i think she's in love with me more but when the years come i dont know what happened to me it's like shes my everything now we are decided to be together abroad to avoid criticism here in the philippines someday. even we know because that we will never have a baby that sometimes i think of that i just really cant think that she apart of me I CANT! im happy with her j0king around ahhah serious stuff like careers business etc. good food and stuff and travel is our thing i love her so so so much i hope guys you are not against with the same love gender. and we're on our 7th yr. together and still counting god bless us all :) happy:DDD

Anonymous said...

In my opinion you should move on. Aquarians are no good. I'm a cancer had the same problem. Taurus is our best suit. Which would you prefer...drama and Heartache or hormony and security?

Anonymous said...

Thank god for all my ble$$ings follow the light in your heart

Unknown said...

Mines July 8th

Unknown said...

Cancer woman here: thanking my Father for my Taurus man though its been a long road to get to this point I'm elated to say that all is well. We never fell off but distance ourselves from each other and he is all that is said of a Taurus man. I love him pieces and I know that he does too!!! I'm anticipating our future together... Filled with Love Peace and Happiness

Unknown said...

This is the best post thus far that I have read in regards to the cancer & taurus combination. I am so into or shall I say falling deeply in love with this taurus man. It's just something about him that's got me going crazy. I want him now but I realize I may have to be patient because he may still have some feelings for his ex besides that his actions speak for themselves but words you never hear. He doesnt express him self which I hate or he says he doesnt want a relationship but acts like his mine or jealous of my late night calls or guys who like me. His stubbornness omg I pray on it. I cant wait until he is mine& I am not giving up. Sincerely the best cancer women for this taurus guy. Dam Im stuck!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to give a massive thank you to this post as me and my friend were scrolling through it and realised we were madly in love. Niamh, I love you.

Anonymous said...

Im a taurus woman secretly in love with my cancer guy friend and Im sure she wouldnt reject you. I would be beyond happy if he came to me confessed his feelings and finally see where things go. But just like her my position in life st the moment is complicated.....Its put a hold on everything.

Anonymous said...

I too feel this strange pull t a cancer guy. Im a taurus woman and i dont get what it is.

Anonymous said...

I am a believer in what I've read above. I am a cancer woman in love with a Taurus Man. As a cancer woman, we are deeply physic and I was able to pick up very strong feelings about him quickly. I think he can give me what I need, and I can also reciprocate. The issue that I find annoying is all of the mind games and back and forth in these vicious cycles while the Taurus man makes up his mind. Naturally nurturing, Cancer women can't fathom this. We are open and honest about our feelings and are not used to to games that come about from an unsure Taurus man. Hopefully, for me sooner than later he opens up and voices his feelings for me. His actions show me something very different from what he has verbally expressed in a good way. Wish me luck.

Unknown said...

I met my Cancer man back in 2004,highschool sweethearts! But we were separated for 4 yrs but when we crossed paths again it felt like we picked up right where we started, and we are still crazy about each other,now we have our own little family(3 kids between us) and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him :)

Anonymous said...

Im a taurus girl and there's this cancer guy, we've only just met, but I would love to get to know him, I feel like we could have something if we talked some more, hes a nice guy and very handsome, but I can't see him thinking of me in this way.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Taurus woman I met a cancer male 3 months ago..I can tell you I never felt so attached to any guy the way I feel for this cancer guy..I'm in love with him I know he is my future husband

I just want to be honest.. said...

Awwww, I'm so happy for you two

Anonymous said...


Ren said...

Can somebody please help me?
I've had a Taurus guy for a classmate and friend ever since I was young. We would usually talk and end things up being teased by him. I somehow made him admit that he had a crush on me but I shoved it off thinking and telling him that it was a joke.
Now that we're in college. We barely talk but if we do talk he would just look at me with that mysterious smile on his face. Now I just want to ask, it is possible that he still likes me? Or have I lost that chance that we could be close again? I like for us to be close, but I believe it's too late for that. :(

Btw, I'm a Cancer girl. We're both the same age. 20.

Anonymous said...

I have met a Cancerian guy and I'm a Taurus. I feel passionately attracted to him. He seemed interested in me quite a lot too. But now he rarely talks to me now. The last time we talked was great but now he is silent again. I don't hate being very clingy and im a girl so i believe a man should take the lead. What shall i do? Do i have any chance to get him interested?

Anonymous said...

This Taurus and Cancer attraction is irresistible in same sex too. Well I am a Taurus female and there is this Cancer girl in gym .. we used to feel a soulmate type of bonding . However there is a big age gap

Anonymous said...

Age gap of 12 years ... the problem is her subtle natunature.She gives hints of liking me that way but then wipes on her own .. I am still in confusion.. I still have feel that she loves me but I can't do it alone..I just love her madly and deeply ..

Anonymous said...

This is the only biggest problem with you cancer girls . You made him confessed and then wiped his feelings on your own . This thing really irritates we taurus and we start thinking as if you are playing with our feelings ... all the best .. but my advice would be to be direct .. he will like it And u won't regret.

Anonymous said...

Wish u good luck

Anonymous said...

I am a cancer male. And I met a taurus woman at my job. Wasn't really into the zodaic thing but my sign described me so well didnt miss anything. But im so attracted to this woman. Only problem is im married but its been going awful for quite some time. But I end up telling this woman how I felt about her after maybe four month's of getting to know her and we have this extremely beautiful moment. One of those cloudy beautiful days holding each other already seeing our future together. I could tell she understood me never felt it so strong. And all of this happened in about 20 mins basically stole my heart. But then a few days later she tells me she thinks we should just be friends. I understand she has an issue with me being married and maybe I should have waited until things were settled with my marrige. But I didnt want to wind up with another life regrets and be wondering what could have been. So I did the unthinkable. Something id never do and put myself on front street and exposed myself. I've never done this before. I usually takw what comes to me and thats my problem. I really feel like me and her could have something together but I don't know the next thing to do. She dosent even really respond to my messages anymore. I miss being able to talk to her

Anonymous said...

I am a Taurus and have known this Cancer woman for over a year. We wound up in bed the first date, it was amazing, and we stayed friendly for several months. I liked her immediately but it was mostly just a sexual thing. The sex was unbelievable all night long kinda stuff, we had (still have) once in a lifetime sexual chemistry. An incident happened a few months ago where everything clicked and I realized we had far transcended the sexual aspect. I expressed my feelings to her and we have subsequently fallen madly in love. Took me a year to see it but this is my soulmate and my ideal partner. She has found her way into my heart and my soul and I love her with all my heart and soul. I place no-one but God above her and thank God for bringing this wonderful woman into my life.

Anonymous said...

Taurus man and cancer woman very lovey dovey combination

Anonymous said...

I am a Taurus woman and I've been with my husband, a cancer man, 8 years. All I can say is, when it's good, is the best of any world. And when it's bad, it's worst than any World War. As a Taurus, I have to make sure I control my temper and watch my tone and as a cancer, he has to work on staying balanced. Love my cancer man to death :)

Anonymous said...

I am a Cancer woman married to a Taurus man... we get along great and I love him however our relationship has been sexless for a number of years... we don't have that sexual chemistry together... now I met this married Taurus man and can't stop thinking about him... the sex is great and I am so terribly attracted to him in a way I cannot describe.... too early to tell if we will be friends or what... I meet him less than a week ago... but I can tell not sure if it's my imagination but there is some strong connection with him... only hope he stays in my life for a long time....

Anonymous said...

I've dated a cancer man for less than a month and we connected so well, never felt like that with anyone. Unfortunately he stood me up one day later telling me he had things to do for his cousins wedding and didn't want to wait around my neighborhood. He lives and hour and a half away from me and I hadn't see. Him in a little over 2 weeks. Being the Taurus that I am I was upset and told him to lose my number and he was a waste. I regretted telling him that. I haven't heard from him and I've called and apologized for what I said and asked if we can start over. I don't know what else to do.

Anonymous said...

So Hi I'm and cancer women and was messing with a taraus man for like6months and all I can say is that the intire time we were together all we did is argue manily because of trust issues. See at the time I was seeing someone else but I made sure I told him . and then he started to act as if I didn't . and things got so crazy . so we ended up breaking up because that's what he wanted and I gave it to him because I still needed to figure things out anyway . so like four months ago I ran back into him thinking we could give this another shot I was more focus in sense where I felt like we could really be. And not do I regret it he's what I came to notice about him I wish I knew bfor he like to play game he's liar and on top of that he never takes owner ship for what he does . three weeks ago he ended it with me .now don't get me wrong my heart does hurt from this because I was ready to b all in with his crazy butt. Be claims he can't trust me nomore because of something so small and pettie. Oh! And that's another thing he's pettie as hell! So to all that say these to signs are perfect for each other are so wrong .

Anonymous said...

I am in a relationship with a cancer man and he is the most amazing person I have ever met. Its like we hit it the moment we met each other. He completes me on the levels and we are a strong support for each other through thick and thin.

HE is everything I have ever wanted and hope to have this love forever :)

I love him with all my heart.

Anonymous said...

I have a crush on a guy who is a Taurus... He is 6 years older than me.I am a cancer, I don't understand if he likes me too. Although we do not get to meet each other quite often, its only during and event every year that we meet. But whenever we meet, he compliments me about something or the other, which makes me feel that he likes me too. Honestly, for me its not merely a crush, I love him. I have never felt so much attracted to someone. I don't understand his hints. When we shake hands on meeting, his hand is too gentle on mine and I think he keeps holding them till the time I take my hand away (I do that out of shyness. I wish could hold his hand for longer too). Also last time we met out of nowhere between his topic he gave a statement of compliment towards me but the. When everyones eyes turned towards him, he chamged it into sarcasm. I dont know if he actually intended to be sarvastic or it was gaze of the others that made him do so.Him being 6 years older than me, also makes me feel a little immature about the whole fact, but I think I am matured enough to know the difference between an infatuation and true love at the age of 22. Can someone please help me understand what is in his mind? How should I move ahead with it.He is stuck in my mind for years....

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm a Taurus male that got brutally heartbroken by a Pisces woman by leading me on the whole time. I thought she gave me hints that she liked/was interested in me, but it wasn't true. She always bailed my invitations of having to hang out, used me as a placeholder of killing boredom, even we took classes together but she ended up hanging out with a "friend" who turned out to be a boyfriend. I crumbled so hard to the point where I barely ate and just wanted to give up on love completely after getting disappointed letdowns/rejections and unrequited feelings from previous girls who were: Virgo, Libra, Leo, and of course Pisces (the worst one).

A month later after successfully moving on from that Pisces girl, I ended up getting to know this girl (who's a Cancer) I knew from a mutual friend of ours. We first talked on Facebook and she's liked my stuff, even though we haven't added each other at the time. Turns out that she and I share similar interests and I was quite flattered by her hobbies and the way she talks to me on Facebook too. Eventually we finally meet in person in school and my goodness she's really beautiful, I instantly was in love thinking of her every single day since then. I bought her things from the bookstore that reminded me of her and she loved them. Seeing her smile and jump with joy warms and enlightens my heart so at one point I ended up taking her outside and asked to hang out to the mall just me and her and she said yes. I told her straight up that she looks intimidatingly beautiful and her response was "Is that the best compliment you can give me?" with a sorta goofy-like, yet beautiful blushing smile. We ended up going to the mall the week after and I paid for our lunch and she finished her food first, next thing you know she just stares at me and waits for me to finish eating also pulls out her phone and shows me pics of her and her older sister. We walked around the mall and she showed me her favorite places and saw a jacket that she likes and I told her that it looks cute on her. She kinda got sad because she doesn't have the money for it due to her low income. I said to her that I don't mind buying it for her and she told me in a sad manner that she doesn't want to take advantage of me. I told her that I understood her thinking so, but it's only so if she was demanding/expecting it and she said thank you to me and no guy has done so for her.

We ended up setting up another day to hang out and since then she's been liking a ton of my Facebook posts and I've been doing the same in return. I really want her to be my girlfriend and I think she feels the same as well, but the problem is that I'm afraid to propose to her to be my girlfriend due to the fact that I've gotten my heart broken and let down so many times from my previous interests, especially from the last girl. What should I do? I mean should I propose to her of being of my girlfriend or when will be the right time to do so? I really have feelings for this Cancer girl and I'm just afraid to ask her out.

Unknown said...

She sounds a lot like myself, possibly because I'm a Cancer woman myself 😄😉 n e who I think you should go for it. Put so thought in the moment because it's going to be that moment that she cherish. Take her to dinner or have another "date" where you are just chilling and having fun. Then unsuspectingly present her a promise ring in a vow that you would be honored if she would be your girlfriend. You vow to always make her smile, and to never hurt her... she'all adore you forever. Said, A Cancer woman #J888

Unknown said...

Cancer females are domestic goddesses who bond easily and separate with great difficulty.

Cookie said...

As a cancer female... Ask her!! You've already won her by giving her a sense of security! Ask her now!?

Anonymous said...

I'm a cancer female dating a Taurus man. I have such a strong energy with my Taurus. He see my emotional roller coaster and instead of words he calms me with his actions. I'm beyond amazed with this Yaris man it's like we meet each other right when we needed one another. I just got outta 18 year relationship with a libra and it was hell. He just got Ottawa. 14 ur old relationship with nothing but lies and cheating.
He makes me feel safe secured and desired like no other had. He likes it when I stroke his ego.. He enjoys to hear he's everything and being my cancer
Self I'm the woman for the job! The sex is outta this world it's like being a shooting star. I defiantly seeing a match made in the arts here ❤️

Anonymous said...

If you had the chance would YOU want to be the one to make the first move, preferably? Would it scare you if she did? What is your preference?

LegendOfLegends19100 said...

Wow!Where have you been my whole life?LOL!You appear to be somebody a Cancerian guy like myself could relate to.Care to give me more info about your zodiac chart?Here's mine:Sun in Cancer,Moon and Ascendant in Libra,Midheaven in Cancer,Mercury in Cancer,Venus in Gemini,Jupiter in Cancer,Mars in Aries,Saturn and Uranus in Capricorn,Chiron in Cancer,Eros and Psyche in Taurus and Black Moon/Lilith in Scorpio.

Anonymous said...

Taurus woman here, as a female taurus (a bit different then taurus males) We are very loving, loyal and giving once you have penentrated our thick hide of defenses. However honesty, integrity and trust are some of the ultimate deal breakers. If there is even a tiny doubt in our minds that we cannot not trust your integrity, loyalty and honesty, we will pull our hearts away with a cold quickness.  Once you have gained a female taurus attention and heart, keeping any secrets or withheld information of anykind is like stepping in front of a speeding truck, the likelihood of the relationships survival is damn near nonexistent. I understand your situation but she is hurt, if you had told her upfront exactly what was going on she, as a taurus woman would have respected you, not just as a Man but as a Person. As I said before honesty, integrity and loyalty are as important to us as water is to a fish. Also we are/can be a bit territorial, so once we have given our heart to a person, we do not share our man/woman nor will we ever compromise to do so as loyalty is one of the most important foundations to us. Your best bet is to give her alot of space and time until you have officially delt with your situation (that is IF she has not already emotionally written you off = permanent ) it is wise not to crowd, pressure her or continue to try to explain why you were NOT 100% honest & upfront, it will only be seen as more excuses, weakness and lack of ownership which we despise.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Sag men are the worst for Cancer women! Glad you found someone for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm a cancer woman and have been in love with a taurus man for 5 years now. Whenever i express how i feel he makes me feel foolish for even expressing myself. This is the ONLY man I've ever felt this confused about. Whenever i speak of commitment he gets defensive. He says he cares about me and "really likes me " but his actions show different. And whenever i shut it down and back off , he comes back out the blue . I cut him off for 2 whole years. Zero communication and he looked me up on social media and reached out. All those suppressed feelings came flowing back the instance i saw him. Now here i am ,confused , emotional and feeling heartbroken cause he won't express his feelings. I've decided that i just can't do this anymore. I love him BUT i love myself more.

Anonymous said...

I am a cancer man. One of my very first days in college I noticed this small tiny blonde beautiful girl who was wearing pink glasses.. The minute i saw her I was a goner. During the next 2 years I would casual see her and admire and wonder what she was like (in a none creepy way). And then during my final class before graduation she walked into the room.. I decided to sit next to her so maaaybe we could spark a conversation. She was everything I pictured her to be. We became good friends, exchanged numbers and so on. We kept in touch, i even brought her snacks lunch anf even a souvenir from mu vacation.. I honestly feel this ridiculous connection towards her buuuuut heres the catch, shes completely 1000% devoted to her boyfriend.. I asked 3 different people at work about what they thought the situation and they alp smiled and said that shes my soulmate.. I was shocked at their answers cuz 1. They never would tell ke something that crazy 2. None of them speak to each other about it. Soo weird.. I need some advice, Taurus women. What is she thinking?

Anonymous said...

Also consider this.. If u met her, you would agree that she is not an unfaithful person.. I havent told her how I felt because I do not want to be yhat guy but deep down I know she is not happy with her current relationship

Unknown said...

I'm a cancer woman and have been married to a taurus man for 7years yes we argue but we manage to pull,out of it every time we know and communicate so well and I swear the love we share is so deep.

Unknown said...

Not all men don't take action, your English is also very hard to read. Just because one taurus didn't work out doesn't mean they are all bad

Anonymous said...

Sometime you have to initiate it. Some men are terribly shy. Im currently dating a cancer man n im a taurus after dating a couple of months i am falling deeply in love with him. It totally worth it. Just give it a try!!

Shivam D said...

Hello!!! Is that Shweta shah there on other side??? :-)

Unknown said...

I agree. Im a Cancer, ex is a sag (ruthless jerk) and Ijust met a Taurus man who I feel very comfortable,warm & fuzzy. He has put a smile on my face. I had no interest in anything after the Sag but now the taurus has put a spark in my future. Excited to open this new door & enjoy every moment

Anonymous said...

I am a cancer woman in a 3 yr relationship with a libra man. I met this man accidentally, we had this great chemistry, had a o.n.s. & he gave his number! I met him again & happened to ask his bday, now I found out that he is Taurus. I confessed that I have a bf but he still wanted to go on this "affair" with me(since he was not ready for a relationship). Now I feel confused, & wanted to stop this as soon as I can. But I can't let go of him. Now I feel bad for risking of losing him(taurus) thinking about what he's gonna think of me cheating with him. Its my first time meeting a taurus man, & I wish I met him long time ago.

Unknown said...

I'm a cancerian.. my 1st crush was Taurus guy, but we were not even friend. My best friend, who also happened to be Taurus, tried to make our relationship to the next level.. but failed, because I met another Taurus guy and later we've been in a relationship for 8 years. Not enough? I broke up with him and met another Taurus guy. Oh God

Anonymous said...

I must say I agree if they don't tell you that they love u from the beginning of the relationship run am in love with one at the moment and we a in love

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It seems like there is a cosmic conspiracy to pull Tauruses and Cancers together. The coincidences are too great to ignore between Cancer and Taurus. Another thing I've noticed is that there always seems to be an obstacle between these two signs coming together. Either because of skin colour, gender, previous commitments, economics, family, age gap or any other social hindrance. Many times one of the two will feel overwhelmed by their feelings that they will sabotage the opportunity for something more. I don't know what the cosmos is up to but there is DEFINITELY something magical about Taurus and Cancer. Something that makes you act in way that you never knew you could. It's a feeling and an experience that words fail to describe. It transcends the two people involved and everybody around you can see it clear as day. It has a life of its own. When it happened to me I was extremely panicked because I didn't even believe in love. I thought love was something people did to escape the existential dilemmas of life. I thought love was something people did to pass the time. When I met a specific Taurus however, for the first time in my life I felt safe and calm. My anxiety disappeared completely and I felt present in the process of living. I didn't know I was in love until it was too late. I wasn't happy about it either because I pride myself on my emotional self-sufficiency. I never "needed" anyone before I met this Taurus and it made me angry that I "needed" them and I tried very hard to deny my feelings. That only made things worse. No-one tells you that love is worse than heroin, so by the time I knew it, I was addicted. So eventually I just admitted what everyone else already knew: that I was in love with Taurus. It's the best thing I ever did because (although it didn't work out) I was able to release the fear I had had for so long. I could finally admit that I had been wrong for all these years about love. Love is real. I don't know why or what the point is, but its R-E-A-L. I don't know if Taurus and Cancer are soulmates or marriage material but I do know that we are somehow connected in the tapestry of life and there are forces working to push us together. My advice to anyone would be to never sell short on love. Wait. Wait for a decade if you have to. Wait until you're 79, but don't be with just any random person just because you don't wanna be alone. Wait for True Love -- its so worth it. And you don't wanna be in a major commitment when it comes.

none said...

My Taurus man is younger than me I'm a cancer. I'm 16 years older than him. We are in love and we are getting married lol

Anonymous said...

I am a Taurian female and I am absolutely finding that I am falling so deeply for this Cancer man I can barely breathe. When we first met it was an instant spark, and soon after a fire lit up inside that rages when he's near me. I quietly watch how he lights up when I am around and when I am not, he immediately finds a way to have me come over to his friends or to whatever events he wants to be at. My Cancer man is incredibly shy about his feelings verbally but it is obvious he feels the same for me that I feel for him. When we spend time feels like he makes me see the universe's beyond when I look into his eyes. Basically, I believe I am truly inlove with him and two years later it's grown even more intense. If my Cancer man ever were to ask me to be with him...I would say Yes! I have never felt the way I do for any man I have ever dated in the past yet when it comes to this particular man...I couldn't imagine being without him in my life ever again. As for having a child with him, when he is ready, I would love nothing better than to have one with this man! After all, he truly is my Fisherman and for once I wouldn't mind being "caught" and kept by ONLY this man.

Anonymous said...

Iam a cancer man and i met this beautiful, tiny blonde girl in my very last college course.. I instantly felt a deep attraction towards her. As the class went on we got to know each other and ended up exchanging numbers.. I knew she had s bf and i didnt cross any lines but a part of me smiles at the thought of us being together someday and if not i hope to find a taurus women like her. She is truly breath taking..

Unknown said...

Nice I'm searching for a Taurus Soulmates and so much chemistry.

Unknown said...

Hi As A Cancer here my ascendant is Scorpio and moon in myself makes me pretty Emotional...
We hide our emotions because we are non-trusting of other's see we've been hurt by other people and get taken for granted it's our defense mechanism if you will. When we let our guard down it means we full trust and Love you.

Unknown said...

I am a cancer woman married to a Taurus man. My husband is so unromantic and its a big problem to me.What shd I do

Unknown said...

I am a cancer woman married to a Taurus man. My husband is so unromantic and its a big problem to me.What shd I do

I just want to be honest.. said...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I need to say that this is head on! I am a Taurus and hubby is a cancer! We have been together 11 years 10 years married and it's so perfect! We are living this word for word.We are inseparable.Till this day we are like newlyweds, like high school sweeties. Get yourself a cancer man and you will live a romantic, sweet ,compassionate, loving,caring life.this post really wows me.its like I'm reading my marriage.from @hiswiify08 Instagram

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm a cancer man I'm in love with this taurus woman. She is beautiful, smart, caring. Affection, strong, much more. When i first met her in class i thought she was stuckup and she was better than everyone. I was wrong for thinking like that. So we got closer a lil bit in during class until we had our graduation. We went to church, i met her beautiful family, we even went to this talent show and thats where i felt in love with her. I like how we can be so close, hugging and holding hang and talk about anything. One day i went to see her and told her how i felt about her and that she was best thing that happen in my life. She said to me that she see me as a close friend. It hurt a lot its like i woke up from a beautiful dream. So i told her i respect her decision and we hugged out and i left. Btw i wasnt looking to find love it just happened to me out of no where. She is moving to texas in a week for work. So do i move on from this and continue my life or do i stay and pursue her? Advice please

Unknown said...

Your words is the only way of consoling my 💓.same thoughts shared by a Taurus woman

Anonymous said...

I love this article. I am a Taurus woman and has been married to a capricorn man for 10 years being married , life is so miserable.. We always fight and argue over money our marriage was annulled for the last 6 months but never been staying together for almost 2 years.
I never dated since then in fact my focus are my children and work. just this month I met A cancer man in one of the dating sites(shy), which I joined the first time. I really dont know why but i felt like joining dating sites looks like your desperate and insecure. But then I just did, and for so many indecent proposals (expected), I decided to delete my account until I saw a profile that intrigues me , I message him"HI" and he then responded, that was the start, all throughout the chatting thing, he was just making me laugh with some jokes and never mentioned about sex, being kinky... I admired him we finished for 3 hours though we didn't even bother what time is it? I dont want to be so pushy coz he mentioned he has an early work, so i was the one who said goodnight :)

But after 2 days he was never online , i felt sad though I tried to send a message just to say hi.. Quite sad and disappointed I deleted my account. Until a message popped in my FB PM. and was surprised it was HIm.. I wonder how he got my name, I remembered he asked for my mobile number.He started to tell me sorry for not coming back for being on silent mode.I was so busy lately lots of my staff are being so stubborn"
Though I was so happy that time i just tell him "its ok" no worries.

he calls he send messages . Now I dont understand the intense of our connection, knowing that we are just a 45 min air travel away and I usually go to where he lives for work .
at first stage of getting to know were so "exciting" ... but I can feel he is so reserved and moody (just like what it says here}:) So I tried not to be very pushy or too needy of his attention, i make sure i always the one who says goodnight first to stop our chats, our calls. But when I cant talk to him, i just missed his voice and chats..

he is a cancer man and i dont kknow if this is a coincidence he was also annulled with 3 boys like me. same school same food, even same tv shows and movies favorite ..

Planning to see him next week and gosh I am so damned nervous. He sends pictures of his sons, bonding moments, his work as i do the same... Do you think he likes me ?? or would it be ok i will continue to be reserved and conservative as i consider myself as a Alpha female..

I just dont want to lose the chance of meeting people like him though to early to tell , I am so attractive to him... How will I maintain the spark between us??

Well I hope I can get useful comments here.

Thank you for reading this and letting me share my experience with a Cancer Man.

Unknown said...

I am Taurus woman and my crush is Cancer man. We have been being each other for 3 month between student and foreign teacher. But that 3 month we shared many memories for each other. I did't know why I fall in love to teacher. But he older just older than me 8 years. I used to give up but he always gain my feel go deeply to him. I don't know he love me too or not, but always teased me. One day I told him that I used to practice English speaking with my friends, who is Korean. Then he asked me"Do you this practice can gain your English?" I replied "sure why not". He acted nothing. My asked my friends they said he jealous me. But I didn't think that. The day he sooner back to England. We had a small party that day he hug me and that was my first hug with man. I never forget this. But Do you think he back again? and Do you think he love me too?

Adele said...
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Anonymous said...

As a Taurean guy (a gay to be completely honest), I had no interest with any person that I had ever met irl. One day as I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed, I heard of a guy who has suicide from being bullied in school as a gay. Out of curiosity, I dig in deeper and found out that it was just a cover by the media and the main cause being severe depression and heartbroken from his ex. I read through almost all his posts and tweets (like a creepy stalker, but am not) and almost all of them are very relatable and I immediately thought I would be a good chemistry for him, but it's all too late knowing this person after he's dead. Im saddened by how lonely he had been hinting all over his posts each day in social media, craving for a person to talk and lean to. His ex left him, not once, but twice and he's been posting how jealous of every LTRs and wished he had somebody to love, there for him when needed and hold onto him but resulted in meeting every kind of asshole and F**kboys (sorry for being rude) and reminding of how much he hate everyone and has been posting suicidal notes for almost 2 years, which really breaks my heart. He had very similar lifegoals I had ever wished for in a relationship. I wish I had known him way earlier if I ever get the chance to, not when I know it's too late. I had sleepless night thinking of this very person (it's odd even though I had never even known him personally) and thinks about him in my sleep and crave for him more and more or scrolling through his social media posts again, while thinking rationally I think I'm actually pretty sick of a person I am being and that I had not even known him in person or him knowing my existence but I just can't help it. I felt demotivated or emptiness inside me everytime I'm doing my work as if my other half is long gone. I had suicidal thoughts at times hoping that I would get to know this person in my afterlife. It's already been 2 years since he left, I'm really hopeless.

Ps: I never had thought I would ever post something like this, but I just felt I had the need to let this off.

Edit: He's a cancerian guy (gay) who hung himself on his birthday.

Cat said...

That's good that u have put ur own sanity first. I'm a Taurus woman. My cancer man loves me and I love him. However, I've only said it once to his innumerable times. I don't want to brainwash myself to falling IN love with him cuz he's going through a separation due to his wife's infidelity. I don't want to lose him so I compromise and say a silly code word that he understands means "I'm expressing feelings of my heart" to him. Robotic...I know, but us Tauri just like to be sure first.

Cat said...

Communicate. Please introduce ur husband to the flirtatious guy. The flirt will back off. He'll see how important ur husband and marriage are 2u.

Cat said...

Yeh. I call sags...Soggy Taurus. Don't ever date a Sagittarius nor a Gemini...�� yuck

KeyBentley said...

I am a Taurus woman and I have just been totally smitten by a Cancer male. We currently go to school together and he is just everything I love in a man. Though slightly younger than me, I have also realized that in Numerology I am a 1 and he is a 5! To have that connection on both sides makes me wonder if he is the guy for me. He is the first guy in years that has made me nervous to do anything wrong lol...butterflies in my chest as Im typing! I hope this turns out for the best!

none said...

No they really are not I feel like the Taurus man is too flighty and he will choose money and other things over you trust me I know he's never a giver but very much a taker. I should tell you about the one I was with then you would not think these two are good for each other a Taurus man will not commit so walk away it's just heartbreak.

Anonymous said...
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Dr Okojie said...

I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until i met this special spell caster when i went to Africa to Execute some business. He is really powerful. My husband divorced me for no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have him back cos i really love him so much but all my effort did not work out, we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and he woke up one morning and he told me he’s going on a divorce, i thought it was a joke and when he came back from work he tender to me a divorce letter and hepacked all his belonging from my house and left. i ran mad and i tried all I could to have him back but all did not work out. I was lonely for almost 4 year, So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for his full name and his picture. I gave him that. At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos i have tried so manyspell casters and there is no solution, so when he finished with the readings, he got back to me that he’s with a woman and
that woman is the reason why he left me, The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring him back, but i never believe all this he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days. 3 days later, he called me himself and came to me apologizing and he told me he will come back to me. I can’t believe this, it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution. The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and i got pregnant a month later, we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid. This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him, he has helped many of my friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him. This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster i have ever experienced in life. Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way out.. you can reach him here: CONTACT THIS POWERFUL SPELL Caster.....

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing. I am a Cancer lady too.

Unknown said...

As you can see by my screen name, I'm older.i enjoyed reading your real life Love story. My advice is
Ask her, tell her ( when the time is right) how serious your feelings are for her & why you waited. Chances are that she's been hurt too. Thanks for being so honest. It gives insight into how deep a Taurus's true feelings are. You two are blessed to have found one another at such a young age.
I devoted my youth to a Selfish Leo for marriage & to raise a family.
He led a double life, cheated for 9 years. His Taurus friend became my friend during those years, we were platonic. Sadly, that friend passed away. I miss him. I had one encounter with a Taurus in his early 20s when I was 26. Because I was committed to the stupid Leo (& didn't want to ruin his life-he attended college)I only shared a nice night In a Nice hotel room with him kissing all night long. He respected the fact that I wasn't comfortable with sex after just meeting him in a club hours earlier. He never knew why I never called or saw him again. He dropped me off at my then Taurus friend's apt. The next day when he came to see me, I told my friend to tell him that I wasn't there. I kinda regret that, but like I said, I didn't want to ruin his life. I had kids & a life with someone else at the time.

Unknown said...

Hi. I just wanted to say that you truly give me hope!!! Because I had a bad relationship for years. And I still hope to meet my soulmate I'm hoping he's a Taurus man.

Unknown said...

Wow. Do glad that(I happened to accidentally find) found this post.
And your own take on this "LOVE THING" is simply beautiful & I feel it is correct. Thank you for perfectly putting in words what is undoubtedly going on with The Taurus & Cancer. ♉/♋. And I will wait. I will wait, he's worth the wait.

Unknown said...

It is true for us Cancers, we take long e seriously! We live for it. What's so surreal & sad is I Too planned to commit suicide on my birthday. Not wanting to go thru another lonely year ALONE! I hope that you find your soul mate. I really do.

Unknown said...

I am cancer female and I'm in love with my Taurus. He is the most sexiest, loving soul and I want to be with him always. We have been together 3 years and I have never experienced so much chemistry with another man. We have been through a lot already, many ups and downs that had me ready to run but at the end of the day we are on the other side of that currently and my heart is with him. I'm not ready to give up on him because he tries for me and that's all that matters. We are both human and will make mistakes but as long as we keep trying to make things right, that's real love to me. Did I mention the chemistry is off the charts!??

Anonymous said...

Just a taurean's perspective who has very recently met a cancerian guy,
I have come to know him as a shy and cautious guy who talks about everything under the sky except about himself. I don't know whether its fear of rejection or a habit but it would be nice to hear few words about his life and his perspective.
Taurus are really simple. A frequent touch, a message during a busy day asking about the mundane stuff, a look in midst of a party, or holding hands while talking to family ... is all considered as invaluable by a taurean in love. She will be extremely happy if u take her out.... a walk under moonlight, a cheap vanilla softie, a 5 pound glass of wine will also taste like ambrosia if she is in the right company.
Money matters so does stability but what matters is the person. If the guy has intelligence, direction and dedication... all degrees and money would subsequently come. She will wait for or completely forgoe material stuff if she knows that the real wealth is in the person next to her. And yes i agree that actions matter more than words but taureans like tangible stuff... something they can easily understand so be good with words atleast in private .. in public, actions will suffice.
And about superfertility, they will like to enjoy company of their partner and welcome kids if or when they come. But a secret about taureans is that they crave possessiveness ... they are always in control and very logical so in bed they might like to give up some pecially if they trust their partner. A dominant confident partner really feels good to a sensual and feminine taurean.
In return a tauraus woman will give you her heart,loyalty and a home that always smells like heavan. You will not only find a partner for life but a friend and confidiante for life. Treasue her and she will shower you with her sensuality and smiles. just never lose her trust. A broken heart is too much for a very sensitive bull who is after all a real softie inside.

Anonymous said...

So i am a tauraus girl who meet a cancer guy and v guys knew each other professionally n ibhad dis huge crush on him which i thought ws only 1 side which later he said dat he ws also attracted to me ...we meet for d 1st tym unofficially on his tansfer dat and hit off instantly v did nt relaize d tym we spent over lunch n n he asked me fr my no.which he says he has never done with any other gal as he is very extremely reserved but dat meetin ws turnin point...its been more 20 days v been chattin n talkn n he has open up soo much like he himself has no clue why..i defintitely like him a lot and he too gas confessed dat he is attracted to me n likes me but he has a past where he ws in love with a girl who is married now n he says he cant love any1 like he loved her and does nt want to b in relationship with me coz i wil b hurt if he could reciprocate same and he wil end up losin sum1 special like me and also he belong to conservative jaat community if haryana ...he says v shd restrain n bt v both cant restrain talkn each other ..m meetin his again next month i reali want dis to work out between us bt his past is comin uo...i hv string feeln dat v wil b great if v r shd i do ....i just cant stop following fr i need help frm every1 wat shd i do how shd i make him accept dis....plz help..

Anonymous said...

So i am a tauraus girl who meet a cancer guy and v guys knew each other professionally n i had dis huge crush on him which i thought ws only 1 side which later he said dat he ws also attracted to me ...we meet for d 1st tym unofficially on his transfer day and hit off instantly v did nt relaize d tym we spent over lunch n he asked me fr my no.which he says he has never done with any other gal as he is very extremely reserved but dat meetin ws d turnin point in our lives...its been more 20 days v been chattin n talkn n he has open up soo much like he himself has no clue why..i defintitely like him a lot and he too has confessed dat he is attracted to me n likes me but he has a past where he ws in love with a girl who is married now n he says he cant love any1 like he loved her and does nt want to b in relationship with me coz i wil b hurt if he could reciprocate same and he wil end up losin sum1 special like me and also he belong to conservative jaat community of haryana ...he says v shd restrain n bt v both cant restrain talkn each other ..m meetin him again next month i reali want dis to work out between us bt his past is comin hauntin him...i hv strong feeln dat v wil b great if v r wat shd i do ....i just cant stop following fr i need help to b clear.. wat shd i do how shd i make him accept dis....plz help..

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

She is right. That is exactly what happened to me and when i walked away, he went to a Pisces woman and drained her while continuously contacting me. Ugh!! I thought he was the best and he turned out to be the worst. Run!!

Anonymous said...

I agree. We can't blame them all but if your experience matches mine and we didn't have the same guy then i believe there is a lot of truth to it. My girlfriend told me to run the other direction...she's Gemini and dated Taurus cheater, liar, selfish, had money but wanted hers, etc..... mine was the same. Straight up sociopath.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. There are more similarities to the negative than positive. Mine was petty, inconsistant, selfish, liar, and irresponsible. Would not own up to his own actions. But he was a hard worker and all but again....ugh!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope it works. My suggestion, get unstuck, NOW! ..and put an extra shell on that cancer heart.

Anonymous said...

Wish you luck and I'm not worried about you. You are in touch with your cancereanism. Not a word I know but cancer to cancer I know you understood me.

Anonymous said...

Cancer man and my current partner is a taurus. The intimacy and affectionate is amazing, beyond the best ive ever had. Cancer male do not hesitate to iniate you wont regret it (taurus wont make the first move). She will be the type of woman you will want to work harder and be your best for. The only draw back we have is communication can be dry and awkward, and you will find yourself in politeness battles.

islparadise27 said...

I’m a Taurus woman and I’m secretly falling in love with this cancer guy at work! This is the first time I ever met a guy who I got an instant attraction to, mind you I’m in a relationship with somebody I love and care very much and never cheated on him and I’m not planning to. This guy at work could just take my breathe away whenever he’s near me. I wonder if he feels the same way as I do, lots of times I would catch him looking at me, but I just pretend I’m just doing my job and not minding him. Not to mention his cologne drives me crazy!! Haha

Anonymous said...

Wow. Everything you said I can relate. I'm afraid if I open up to my Taurus man he'll reject me.

Anonymous said...

Still working on my Taurus man. It seems like he wants to keep his options open. I'm thinking about just going for it and asking him out but I'm afraid my feelings for him may get too strong and he won't feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

Hey , I am a Taurus female. I met this Cancer man about 6 years ago . I was only 15. We immediately became like best friends , skip skip skip(because I know us taurus like to talk lol) we started dating on my 19 birthday.. he was the best guy I could ask for. He cheated on me 3 times,he felt like I was cheating on him. I wasn't of course , us Tauruses understands. We have terrible communication skills which makes the trust non-existent. Overall the bad , there's a million good.. he loves me , tho he was rather shy about his feelings I couldnt help but feel a connection when we got together.. he likes to say things like , he's a genius and he's a king and I would get so mad cus I felt like he was saying , he's above everyone , when he wasnt.. he wants me to be his Queen and wants me to act like a queen , he wants us to be great role models for our kids if we ever have any. (I know I'm jumping all over) He is a very smart , intelligent , family oriented guy , which alot of us Tauruses want. Very funny.. I wouod laugh with him all day. But,
My Cancer man was very lazy as far as house hold things , like it was my job to clean everything all the time , even though he would cook for me alot , but still .. I could just finish cleaning our bedroom and he would come sit on the bed nect to me and whatever he's finished drinking or whatever , he'd throw it on the floor and not care..
I felt like he never let me talk , of I had an issie with something he'd let me start talking and cut me off because he felt like he knew what I was gonna say already.. his mom and I didn't get a long for nothing , he hated that.. I can understand why.. he had a temper out of this world.. like it took a lot for him to get really angry but when he did it's like I couldn't calm him down , he'd call me names and stuff , he never put his hands on me but he would scare me so much . I don't know.. well the last incident happened Last Saturday , he got really angry he bust windows and smashed his car into my house.. I called it off

Unknown said...

For everybody my name is William and I am a Taurus my wife is a cancer as we was reading this horoscope everything is true about Tauruses and cancer and I'm so blessed to have a cancer in my life that loves me shows loyalty respect and any means necessary. She means the world to me and if you keep counting that's how much love I have for her cuz the numbers don't stop and the time don't stop she changed my life not just her but her kids too. And the sex phenomenal out of this world. We see fireworks match made in heaven so I would like to think our father for bringing such a beautiful cancer in my life.

His Secret Obsession said...

If your relationship is not the biggest source of happiness and joy in your life...

If you’re not getting the love, devotion and adoration that you deserve...

Or if the men in your life seem to lose interest out of nowhere leaving you confused and hurt...

Then I can honestly say that this video is the most important thing you can watch right now and will absolutely transform your relationships forever.

==>Men Commit When They Feel This

Once you discover this one missing “secret ingredient” to lasting love and devotion... You’ll be able to emotionally “click” with men in a way that no other woman ever has.

And he will feel an irresistible urge deep in his chest that makes him want to lovingly commit to you and never let you go.

So if you’re looking for tricks and mind games to get a man’s attention or manipulate his feelings, then this is not for you.

There is plenty of stuff like that out there. But I’m pretty sure you’re looking for something more genuine.

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Something that will empower you to create real desire in a man and the kind of emotional bond that life partnerships are built upon.

If that’s you then this video has your name on it. You can watch it here:

==>The Secret To Become Any Man’s Secret Obsession


Sign Off

Unknown said...

Yes and we Taurus woman do not like to make the first move.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've been searching for help on how to get my ex lover back that broke up with me 2 years ago.. I was traumatized by the break up and nearly wanted to commit suicide but I thank God that I got the contact of LORD ZAKUZA the spiritual father that helped me to get back my ex lover after much searching of help from different places. When I got in touch with LORD ZAKUZA, I explained everything to him to he gave me his words of encouragement and told me that he was going to prepare a spell for me that will help me get back my ex lover within 48 hours and I believed in his words for I was referred to him by a friend who he helped and right now, my ex lover is back and we are living happily together to get married next month. If you need any assistance whatsoever like getting cured from sickness, getting pregnant E.T.C. Then, I suggest that you get in touch with LORD ZAKUZA now through his WhatsApp him on + 1 (740) 573–9483 or Email: I'm forever grateful to you LORD ZAKUZA.

Deepti Thakur said...

That's not true. I know a Taurus female who asked out a Gemini and is now happily married.

Unknown said...

I'm a cancer male and I've fallen for a taurus female. She brightens my world whenever I see her smile and her laugh is contagious. I think we have a huge spark but I feel like both of us aren't willing to make the first move. She was cheated on by a mutual acquaintance and I just got out of a bad relationship. We like being around each other but with different work schedules and only really seeing each other when our friends meet up for events or parties, we never really run into each other. I feel like she might be the one and I get so excited when she responds to me. My heart shivers and my soul glows whenever she shows me attention to any degree. I really just need to know what to say, or if I should wait till I feel the moment is right to approach her. I don't want to lose her to some her who will treat her like garbage. But I don't want to push her away either.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I wish you and my Cancerian brother the best!!!😀